small business

Create a small business


This new adventure must first begin with the choice of the appropriate legal form and, subsequently, the completion of the formalities for setting up a business . The creative process takes place according to steps to be carried out in a specific order.

Start your small business online

However, the procedure is often long so it can be interesting to participate in training in business creation . This gives the possibility of knowing how to create a company in France and thus to ensure the management of the company .

Become aware of your strengths and weaknesses before setting up your company. If necessary, fill your gaps with appropriate training or competent third parties;

How to start a small business?

Creating a small company ( a brand , a business service company , a private security company , a clothing store ) first requires finding an idea to develop.

Step 1: How to find an idea to develop?

His current activity: you can develop an activity that is in line with his current job. This technique is widely used, since it assumes that the entrepreneur already knows his future activity. A pharmacist, for example, can easily turn to opening a pharmacy .

Please note : if the employee is under a non-competition clause after leaving the company, he must wisely choose an activity that will not be detrimental to him vis-à-vis his former employer.

Step 2: Test your business idea

Indeed, testing the reliability of your project is essential before launching. Concretely, this means putting yourself in the shoes of an investor and asking yourself, as honestly as possible, the same questions as him, such as:

In the event that this project only encounters favorable answers to the above questions, the next step for this small business would be to conduct market research .

Register the small business : registration is done with the competent CFE and will allow it to appear on the official registers corresponding to its activity (RCS, RM, RNE, special directory for commercial agents, specific directory for liberal professions).

Step-3 Which sectors for a small business?

The first step is to find the idea to develop . And there is no shortage of business start-up ideas, even on a low budget. However, it is necessary to make a judicious choice according to the sector envisaged.

The food sector

In recent years, the food sector has experienced a certain boom, especially with the advent of convenience stores . In addition to supermarkets and convenience stores, shops selling healthier and eco-responsible products are enjoying real enthusiasm.

Creating a small business can, for example, consist of directing one ‘s activity towards biscuits, making ice cream, chocolate, foie gras, tea and coffee, etc. Additionally, another concept is to consider providing a door-to-door delivery service. This option is mostly adopted by people who want to start an online business .

The real estate sector

In France, there are more than 25,000 self-employed workers in the property sector. Most are real estate agents. This activity of independent, formerly marginalized, is adopted by many professionals including real estate agencies. They can indeed exercise as a commercial real estate agent under the status of auto-entrepreneur or independent real estate agent .

The building works sector

An entrepreneur who plans to embark on this field can opt either for intermediation or for specialization.Intermediation consists of carrying out work brokerage tasks.Specialization , on the other hand, as its name suggests, consists of creating a company specializing in carrying out work. Plumbing, electricity, carpentry, masonry…

 Step-4 Services to individuals

Apart from the traditional personal service companies , new forms of activity are changing the aspect of the field. Possible activities include photography studios , 3D printing centers , smartphone repair shops, dog training centers, etc.

It is also possible to create a small business specializing in the field of leisure for individuals. This is the case of the creation of activities revolving around the world of park games or escape games for older people.

Step-5 Services for professionals

Although there are many companies specializing in professional services , some other activities can be carried out

For example, the entrepreneur can create ready-to-wear . Of course, you have to have the means. Otherwise, depending on his skills, he can act as a clothing specialist for children or adults. He can also serve as an adviser in sports-type clothing.

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